Sunday, April 3, 2011

just saying hi

Hi I have a busy weekend My little god daughter stayed the night.
She is so used to sleeping in mum and dads bed.
The story goes like this we watched a dvd in hubby and my bed then when asleep i
carried her to the single bed,
 told her if she woke she could come back to our bed.
So one hour later in she comes, well me and my man are not small  so we decided my beautiful god daughter and me would  then go to sleep  in the lounge in a reclining chair. Well first i fell asleep only to be woken every hour, we have not one but three clocks that chime on the hour plus one dong half hour. Well today my back hurts and i am still tied. Mind you the little girl is 5 but I could not let her get upset because I know she sleeps with mum and dad.  Things we do to keep the little one's happy. So tonight I will really enjoy my bed. As tomorrow I will be in Launceston helping with the chrildren for a week while mum and dad work .Poor hubby will be on his own.

cheers and by the way I will be taking hand sewing with me.


  1. What fun you guys must have had I'm sure Alexandra didnt mind :):)

  2. I can understand! I thought my kids would never get used to sleeping all night in their own beds.

  3. I remember the days of sleeping with a little one by my side....I can well imagine how sore you are today from sleeping in the recliner! I hope you have a great week!

  4. Well I hope you get a good night sleep my first grand son was like that had to sleep with us.
